
Women Can Do It Too

This International Women’s Day, PEDRO spotlights five aspiring women from various industries to celebrate their honorable
achievements and share their stories to inspire and empower many more. Dressed in multiple shades of pink, the ladies redefined
the soft and delicate assumed colour with a touch of their vivid character and shined with confidence, elegant yet powerful.

This International Women’s Day, PEDRO spotlights five aspiring women from various industries to celebrate their honorable achievements and share their stories to inspire and empower many more. Dressed in multiple shades of pink, the ladies redefined the soft and delicate assumed colour with a touch of their vivid character and shined with confidence, elegant yet powerful.

This International Women’s Day, PEDRO spotlights five aspiring women from various industries to celebrate their honorable achievements and share their stories to inspire and empower many more. Dressed in multiple shades of pink, the ladies redefined the soft and delicate assumed colour with a touch of their vivid character and shined with confidence, elegant yet powerful.



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“As Women, We Can Be Powerful Allies.”

ISABELLE MIAJAManaging Director of Miaja Design Group

As a woman and a leader in the interior design
industry, Isabelle sets goals to make a difference
with each project acquired through inspiring
designs that are curated from the hard work of a
dedicated team, regardless of men and women.
She trusts that knowledge and confidence will
help women get the recognition they deserve
and build the path to making a mark for
individuals in their fields.
ISABELLE MIAJAManaging Director of Miaja Design Group

As a woman and a leader in the interior design industry, Isabelle sets goals to make a difference with each project acquired through inspiring designs that are curated from the hard work of a dedicated team, regardless of men and women. She trusts that knowledge and confidence will help women get the recognition they deserve and build the path to making a mark for individuals in their fields.

Isabelle believes that having trust in one another and not looking at women as competition, but allies is one of the keys to success. Approach and communicate with respect but also with kindness and humility, everyone can all learn from each other and create bonds as strong as that famous “men brotherhood”. Women too can create that “sisterhood” and no matter where you are in life, women are everywhere, to help and support one another.

“We must all learn to arraign that power, 
together we can change the world for all women.”

When comes to styling, Isabelle is adventurous and experiments with different outfits that express her mood for the day. She finds fashion to be a way of having fun and letting the versatility in one come through. Rather than any particular outfits, to let go of fears and trying out new styles is an empowering feeling that Isabelle recommends everyone to try. 

“The Essence of style is to live the Art of being Unique” - is a motto that stands for Isabelle’s values and design philosophy. She said, “ Style is a personal choice, it shows the world we are unique individuals made up of our own unique experiences and that uniqueness translates in my designs and defines my way to see the world.” Each of their projects is designed with respect to its true essence and intended purpose within a unique and personal environment. This also includes respecting the past and its traditions, nature as well as people’s cultural environment that can build a future that is grounded and thoughtful.

“As Women, We Can Be Powerful Allies.”

ISABELLE MIAJAManaging Director of Miaja Design Group

As a woman and a leader in the interior design
industry, Isabelle sets goals to make a difference
with each project acquired through inspiring
designs that are curated from the hard work of a
dedicated team, regardless of men and women.
She trusts that knowledge and confidence will
help women get the recognition they deserve
and build the path to making a mark for
individuals in their fields. 

Isabelle believes that having trust in one another and not looking at women as competition, but allies is one of the keys to success. Approach and communicate with respect but also with kindness and humility, everyone can all learn from each other and create bonds as strong as that famous “men brotherhood”. Women too can create that “sisterhood” and no matter where you are in life, women are everywhere, to help and support one another.

“We must all learn to arraign that power,  together we can change the world for all women.”

When comes to styling, Isabelle is adventurous and experiments with different outfits that express her mood for the day. She finds fashion to be a way of having fun and letting the versatility in one come through. Rather than any particular outfits, to let go of fears and trying out new styles is an empowering feeling that Isabelle recommends everyone to try. 

“The Essence of style is to live the Art of being Unique” - is a motto that stands for Isabelle’s values and design philosophy. She said, “ Style is a personal choice, it shows the world we are unique individuals made up of our own unique experiences and that uniqueness translates in my designs and defines my way to see the world.” Each of their projects is designed with respect to its true essence and intended purpose within a unique and personal environment. This also includes respecting the past and its traditions, nature as well as people’s cultural environment that can build a future that is grounded and thoughtful.

ANNABELLE KWOKFounder of NeuralBay & SmartCow | AI practitioner

Being surrounded by technology since young,
Annabelle always thought technology will
change the world. She followed her curious
mind, met people, and came across opportunities
along the way, unaware of the entrepreneurship
path that awaits her.
ANNABELLE KWOKFounder of NeuralBay & SmartCow | AI practitioner

Being surrounded by technology since young, Annabelle always thought technology will change the world. She followed her curious mind, met people, and came across opportunities along the way, unaware of the entrepreneurship path that awaits her.

As a woman in the tech industry, Annabelle expresses her appreciation and how blessed she is able to benefit from the women’s rights in the workplaces movement by the time she stepped into the working society. She recognizes that times have changed and the amount of support there is for women in the Singapore workforce today, far outweighs the challenges. While men are generally deemed more aggressive, many women are understanding yet courageous, and Annabelle sees that senior roles require these qualities. 

Throughout her journey as a tech practitioner, Annabelle was fortunate to cross path with people that made a difference, not just towards her career but also her wellbeing. As she continues to pursue a career in this industry, she believes in the importance of remaining humble and never forgetting the help extended to her along the way.

Her belief –

“It is only right to pass on the kindness I have experienced and received from others and to build on that culture by supporting the up-and-coming young talents”

Annabelle constantly kept her mother’s words in mind, to not look up or down on anyone but see every individual as an equal being and learn from one another. This has sculptured Annabelle into who she is today and evidently from the way she speaks with confidence and genuineness, down-to-earth at the same time, kind and polite. She sees the good in each individual and that everyone is incomparable and unique in their own way.

ANNABELLE KWOKFounder of NeuralBay & SmartCow | AI practitioner

Being surrounded by technology since young,
Annabelle always thought technology will
change the world. She followed her curious
mind, met people, and came across opportunities
along the way, unaware of the entrepreneurship
path that awaits her.

As a woman in the tech industry, Annabelle expresses her appreciation and how blessed she is able to benefit from the women’s rights in the workplaces movement by the time she stepped into the working society. She recognizes that times have changed and the amount of support there is for women in the Singapore workforce today, far outweighs the challenges. While men are generally deemed more aggressive, many women are understanding yet courageous, and Annabelle sees that senior roles require these qualities. 

Throughout her journey as a tech practitioner, Annabelle was fortunate to cross path with people that made a difference, not just towards her career but also her wellbeing. As she continues to pursue a career in this industry, she believes in the importance of remaining humble and never forgetting the help extended to her along the way.

Her belief –

“It is only right to pass on the kindness I have experienced and received from others and to build on that culture by supporting the up-and-coming young talents”

Annabelle constantly kept her mother’s words in mind, to not look up or down on anyone but see every individual as an equal being and learn from one another. This has sculptured Annabelle into who she is today and evidently from the way she speaks with confidence and genuineness, down-to-earth at the same time, kind and polite. She sees the good in each individual and that everyone is incomparable and unique in their own way.

“If you never try, you never know.”

NURUL AIN MALEKHead Chef at The Nomads SG

With her love for food and cooking, and
supportive parents who encourage their
children to pursue their interests, Nurul has
since started her career as a chef after
graduation. The greatest breakthrough for
Nurul was the time when she decided to take
up the role as a Head Chef for the restaurant
‘The Nomads’.
NURUL AIN MALEKHead Chef at The Nomads SG

With her love for food and cooking, and supportive parents who encourage their children to pursue their interests, Nurul has since started her career as a chef after graduation. The greatest breakthrough for Nurul was the time when she decided to take up the role as a Head Chef for the restaurant ‘The Nomads’.

Despite the uncertainties she had about herself, Nurul plucked the courage and challenge herself to the new role as the project resonated with her then and she wanted to try something different and new. While she had her moment of doubts that introducing modern Central Asian cuisine to the Singapore food scene would not be easy but with an unwavering mind, Nurul advanced to the next phase of her kitchen journey.

At the start, Nurul felt the pressure of having to prove her worth and place in the kitchen because she is a woman. Her mindset changed over time in the professional kitchens as she figured that it is with many other contributing factors that make a difference such as hard work, communication, practices, dedication, and a positive attitude.

“To savor every day like a sweet, reduction sauce and be steady as a mountain.”

As a woman in her industry, Nurul hopes her story can encourage younger girls to take on opportunities, challenges, and leadership roles and aspire to be whoever they want to be because of who they are, their capabilities and that they simply can. Having a clear goal and a vision on how to achieve gets one moving while diligence, determination, and believing in yourself are vital. Beyond the efforts within their own boundary, Nurul considers establishments that provide fair opportunities for their employees to grow and succeed should be well-tended too.

“If you never try,
you never know.”

NURUL AIN MALEKHead Chef at The Nomads SG

With her love for food and cooking, and
supportive parents who encourage their
children to pursue their interests, Nurul has
since started her career as a chef after
graduation. The greatest breakthrough for
Nurul was the time when she decided to take
up the role as a Head Chef for the restaurant
‘The Nomads’.

Despite the uncertainties she had about herself, Nurul plucked the courage and challenge herself to the new role as the project resonated with her then and she wanted to try something different and new. While she had her moment of doubts that introducing modern Central Asian cuisine to the Singapore food scene would not be easy but with an unwavering mind, Nurul advanced to the next phase of her kitchen journey.

At the start, Nurul felt the pressure of having to prove her worth and place in the kitchen because she is a woman. Her mindset changed over time in the professional kitchens as she figured that it is with many other contributing factors that make a difference such as hard work, communication, practices, dedication, and a positive attitude.

“To savor every day like a sweet, reduction sauce and be steady as a mountain.”

As a woman in her industry, Nurul hopes her story can encourage younger girls to take on opportunities, challenges, and leadership roles and aspire to be whoever they want to be because of who they are, their capabilities and that they simply can. Having a clear goal and a vision on how to achieve gets one moving while diligence, determination, and believing in yourself are vital. Beyond the efforts within their own boundary, Nurul considers establishments that provide fair opportunities for their employees to grow and succeed should be well-tended too.

JOHANNE SIYHead Chef at Lolla

Always marveled at the special power of
food, which brings memories and people
together by creating connections, Johanne
(a.k.a. Jo) sets on her career adventure in the
kitchen to be the agent that facilitates these
bonds, these moments, these dialogues, and
emotions. She said, “At its core, food is
something that nurtures us at the most basic
level, but it also can initiate transcendental
experiences and emotions.”
JOHANNE SIYHead Chef at Lolla

Always marveled at the special power of food, which brings memories and people together by creating connections, Johanne (a.k.a. Jo) sets on her career adventure in the kitchen to be the agent that facilitates these bonds, these moments, these dialogues, and emotions. She said, “At its core, food is something that nurtures us at the most basic level, but it also can initiate transcendental experiences and emotions.”

Jo recognises that gender bias has always plagued the food and beverage industry anywhere in the world and it has a lot to do with the physicality of the job, amongst other factors. When she first started, Jo wanted to prove that she was as strong and as good as any other man working the line in a restaurant. She pushed herself to physical limits and did not ask for any help, which consequently leads to her suffering from physical ailments to a point she could not see a sustainable future in the respective industry. It was then she came to realise that,

“Pretending To Be A Man Was Not The Way To Go.”

Instead of trying to become someone else, Jo started embracing the things that set her apart such as her creativity and resourcefulness. Accepting the difference and appreciating her uniqueness has since helped Jo move forward and progress, where she learnt to work smart and function as a team instead of carrying everything on her shoulder. 

Apart from the number of awards achieved and having built a solid team within a short time frame of one and a half years in her first head chef role, Jo acknowledges her greatest breakthrough was how her team played a role in helping people get through these tough COVID times in the past two years. According to Jo, “Taking care of people is at the heart of what we do. To still be doing that even during these times when we ourselves need taking care of, is by itself a breakthrough.“.

“I want to see more female leaders in this field where we are very much under-represented.”

Being a woman in the F&B industry, Jo understands that the things that hinder the women from leadership roles are not in any way skill-related but the system, the expectations of society, and the lack of support. She aspires to be one who can help remove these biases such that the future reaches a point where the playing field is even.

JOHANNE SIYHead Chef at Lolla

Always marveled at the special power of
food, which brings memories and people
together by creating connections, Johanne
(a.k.a. Jo) sets on her career adventure in the
kitchen to be the agent that facilitates these
bonds, these moments, these dialogues, and
emotions. She said, “At its core, food is
something that nurtures us at the most basic
level, but it also can initiate transcendental
experiences and emotions.”

Jo recognises that gender bias has always plagued the food and beverage industry anywhere in the world and it has a lot to do with the physicality of the job, amongst other factors. When she first started, Jo wanted to prove that she was as strong and as good as any other man working the line in a restaurant. She pushed herself to physical limits and did not ask for any help, which consequently leads to her suffering from physical ailments to a point she could not see a sustainable future in the respective industry. It was then she came to realise that,

“Pretending To Be A Man Was Not The Way To Go.”

Instead of trying to become someone else, Jo started embracing the things that set her apart such as her creativity and resourcefulness. Accepting the difference and appreciating her uniqueness has since helped Jo move forward and progress, where she learnt to work smart and function as a team instead of carrying everything on her shoulder. 

Apart from the number of awards achieved and having built a solid team within a short time frame of one and a half years in her first head chef role, Jo acknowledges her greatest breakthrough was how her team played a role in helping people get through these tough COVID times in the past two years. According to Jo, "Taking care of people is at the heart of what we do. To still be doing that even during these times when we ourselves need taking care of, is by itself a breakthrough. “.

“I want to see more female leaders in this field where we are very much under-represented.”

Being a woman in the F&B industry, Jo understands that the things that hinder the women from leadership roles are not in any way skill-related but the system, the expectations of society, and the lack of support. She aspires to be one who can help remove these biases such that the future reaches a point where the playing field is even.

“You choose to empower yourself and the people around you.”

NOELLEArtist | Model

Since the young age of fourteen, Noelle
developed her interest in modelling from a
segment on FashionTV Channel called the
Model Talks where she would wake up every
morning at 6 am to catch the show. She
shared her admiration towards the models
and loved their interviews. The very next
year, Noelle joined a modelling competition
known as “New Paper New Face” and
emerged as the champion and since then,
she knew modelling is the line she was
determined to pursue.
NOELLEArtist | Model

Since the young age of fourteen, Noelle developed her interest in modelling from a segment on FashionTV Channel called the Model Talks where she would wake up every morning at 6 am to catch the show. She shared her admiration towards the models and loved their interviews. The very next year, Noelle joined a modelling competition known as “New Paper New Face” and emerged as the champion and since then, she knew modelling is the line she was determined to pursue.
“My body has so many moods and isn’t hundred percent all the time.”

As much as she wants to be perfect for every job, Noelle confessed that there were bad days when her body was simply not in its best condition which forms pressure on her and a challenge mentally. Nevertheless, she persevered and continued to work on herself with the support from her agents, who taught her to be strong and not let emotions get the best of her. Over time, she managed to realise that shoots and shows are not just about her, but also the brand and the production team behind. By looking at the bigger picture, Noelle was able to navigate her way towards the desired outcome for both herself and the clients.

To make a difference by showing women that not all opinions are worth dwelling upon, even more so when they are not constructive, Noelle played as an example and hopes more girls can recognise that they are their own enablers and have the control to both empower others and self-empower. Having noticed that many women in Singapore are more soft-spoken and reserved, she strongly encourages women to speak up, not be afraid to stand their ground, and be their own boss.

“You choose to empower yourself and the people around you.”

NOELLEArtist | Model

Since the young age of fourteen, Noelle
developed her interest in modelling from a
segment on FashionTV Channel called the
Model Talks where she would wake up every
morning at 6 am to catch the show. She
shared her admiration towards the models
and loved their interviews. The very next
year, Noelle joined a modelling competition
known as “New Paper New Face” and
emerged as the champion and since then,
she knew modelling is the line she was
determined to pursue.

“My body has so many moods and isn’t hundred percent all the time.”

As much as she wants to be perfect for every job, Noelle confessed that there were bad days when her body was simply not in its best condition which forms pressure on her and a challenge mentally. Nevertheless, she persevered and continued to work on herself with the support from her agents, who taught her to be strong and not let emotions get the best of her. Over time, she managed to realise that shoots and shows are not just about her, but also the brand and the production team behind. By looking at the bigger picture, Noelle was able to navigate her way towards the desired outcome for both herself and the clients.

To make a difference by showing women that not all opinions are worth dwelling upon, even more so when they are not constructive, Noelle played as an example and hopes more girls can recognise that they are their own enablers and have the control to both empower others and self-empower. Having noticed that many women in Singapore are more soft-spoken and reserved, she strongly encourages women to speak up, not be afraid to stand their ground, and be their own boss.

PEDRO supports and applauds Equality Now for all the work they do. Equality Now is a global feminist organization that uses a unique combination of legal advocacy, regional partnership-building, and community mobilization to realize its vision of a more just and equal world for women and girls. For over 100 years, feminists worldwide have marked International Women’s Day on March 8th, celebrating women’s social, economic, cultural, and political achievements and focusing attention on the work that still needs to be done to accelerate gender equality.

PEDRO supports and applauds Equality Now for all the work they do. Equality Now is a global feminist organization that uses a unique combination of legal advocacy, regional partnership-building, and community mobilization to realize its vision of a more just and equal world for women and girls. For over 100 years, feminists worldwide have marked International Women’s Day on March 8th, celebrating women’s social, economic, cultural, and political achievements and focusing attention on the work that still needs to be done to accelerate gender equality.

International Women’s Day is as important as ever.

International Women’s Day is as important as ever.

Equality Now knows that social change often begins with legal change. That’s why they use the power of the law to lay the foundations of enduring equality for women and girls everywhere. Their work centres around three fundamental principles: ‘The Law Matters’, ‘Women’s rights are a global issue’ and ‘We believe people working together can change the world’

This International Women’s Day, join Equality Now to demand that women and girls can access the protections and fundamental rights they deserve to live safe, fearless, and free. Visit their website to find out more and learn how you too can support their efforts.

Equality Now knows that social change often begins with legal change. That’s why they use the power of the law to lay the foundations of enduring equality for women and girls everywhere. Their work centres around three fundamental principles: ‘The Law Matters’, ‘Women’s rights are a global issue’ and ‘We believe people working together can change the world’

This International Women’s Day, join Equality Now to demand that women and girls can access the protections and fundamental rights they deserve to live safe, fearless, and free. Visit their website to find out more and learn how you too can support their efforts.

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