"function"===typeof importScripts&&importScripts("https://api.useinsider.com/sw.js"); Franchising Opportunities


Thank you for your interest in joining our business.
Our international operations are conducted predominantly through authorised franchisees, so proposals relating to distribution or wholesale models may not be applicable.
Our franchisees are experienced retailers who have a deep understanding of the retail landscape in their territory. They also possess the required experience in retail operations and have resources to operate multiple stores concurrently within a territory.
Our authorised franchisees will be granted rights to sell PEDRO merchandise in exclusive boutiques subject to compliance with our high standards. We may already be present in your city / territory and as such may have already appointed a franchisee there. Please click here to find out where our stores are located.
If you wish for us to consider your request to be our authorised franchisee, please send us more information via email, clearly indicating 'FRANCHISING OPPORTUNITIES' as the subject title. Please also include the following within the email:
  1. Which territory your organisation is interested in
  2. An introduction to your organisation in the form of a detailed profile
  3. The potential our brand has in the territory of your choice, with all the necessary supporting information, and the estimated number of locations within the territory.
You can reach us at franchising.opportunities@pedroshoes.com.
Alternatively, you may send your organisation's profile and the necessary information via post using the following details:
General Manager, Expansion
6 Tai Seng Link
CHARLES & KEITH Group Headquarters
Level 8
Singapore 534101
Incomplete information may delay our franchisee assessment process. We may not respond to all enquiries. The information received shall be used for internal purposes only and will not be disclosed to unauthorised third parties. We will not return any documents sent to us in relation to your enquiry. Thank you for your interest in PEDRO.